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How to load 120mm film

Press down on back of the memo clip in the center of the rear panel while pushing the back cover latch in the direction of the arrow above the memo clip. This will open the back door and you will see the film spool.

Step 1
Step 2

Press the clips on the sides of the '120' and pull the cartridge out of your camera. You can see the start mark and your spool clips to hold on to your film roll and your take-up spool. You can also see the visual that the Mamiya film cartridge has on it to help guide you through loading your film. 

Step 3

Grab new roll of 120 mm. Begin by fitting your take-up spool in the bottom of your cartridge by folding back the spool clip and placing your spool into the take-up spool stud. Once it is fit in correctly, fold the spool clip back and make sure your take-up spool is secure.

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Step 4

Remove the band of the tape off of roll of the film and find the end of the roll. Fold the spool clip and fill your roll of the film into the film spool stud while your film coming from underneath your roll as shown in the picture. Fold the spool clip back and make sure your roll of film is secure.

Step 5

When it is secure then you are set   to pull the film around the back of the cartridge and around to the take-up spool. Start by threading your film leader into the center slot on your take-up spool and continue to feed a small amount of film through to make sure it will catch on to the take-up spool. Once you have enough film fed through your take-up spool, begin to wind the metal wheel on the outside edge of the take-up spool stud. Continue winding your film with this wheel until you see the start line marked with arrows.

Step 6

After the start line appears, continue winding until it is lined up with the matching start line indicated on the outside of the film spool clip. Make sure to align these start lines as best you can as this will ensure your film is straight and shoots on the correct frames. Now that your film is loaded onto your cartridge you need to get it back in your camera so that you can go take photographs.

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